A newspaper has been launched by BGR are sourced from OLED-display.net about plans for Samsung Mobile Display 7-inch AMOLED screen showcased at FPD-International conference. This conference was held in Japan on December 10 to 12 November.
The report says that the new screen will have a resolution of 1200 x 600 pixels and will be available to the assembler of the second half of 2011, exactly mid-June. The production capacity of the screen is estimated between 30-30 million small and medium-sized panels per month. It is expected that with this production, the Super AMOLED screen will no longer supply shortages such as in the past.
For now most likely use of the Super AMOLED screen size is for Samsung Galaxy Tab tablets are currently wearing 7 inch TFT LCD screen. According to Samsung, Galaxy Tab wear instead of the Super TFT AMOLED due to power consumption and price factors. Galaxy Tab own Samsung has just confirmed will get an upgrade to the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and Honeycomb (Android 3.x) in the future.
Is Samsung AMOLED display will install this on the next Tab Galaxy product? Is the price of the new Tab Galaxy will be able to compete with the tablet from another manufacturer?