Queue the purchase of the Iphone
4 which exploded in China some time ago did not necessarily indicate a high interest of iPhone 4 user. Although capable of up to 100 thousand units sold in four days, but the latest report by MicGadget seen that the queues of iPhone 4 in Beijing was also infiltrated by many brokers who intend to profit from this incident.
The broker is in compliance with Apple stores in Beijing and do the queue together the original purchaser iPhone 4. They queue up to get the iPhone 4 without a contract that was purchased for 4.999 yuan (about 747 dollars) and then resold at 5.500 yuan (822 dollars) to consumers who lined up behind or who do not want to be bothered queuing.This transaction is even performed in front of and inside the right aisle is on the official Apple store. Even according to the recognition of one of his brokers, he has lined up four times and earned eight iPhone 4 which then sold back still in its box.
This incident turned out to cause some commotion because the bone of contention queue. This resulted in Apple needs to summon the security forces and had to close one shop. This turned out not solve the problem because the brokers pengantri and then towards the other Apple stores selling the same result.

Looking at these events, Apple finally enact new rules. All Apple stores in Beijing, four of that requires the buyer to show his identity card when buying the iPhone 4. Each customer is only allowed to buy an iPhone. After that Apple employees will open the iPhone box 4 in front of buyers and immediate activation. With this step, the fourth no longer touts the iPhone can do little to sell his iPhone as a new item (BNiB) or to buy in bulk.