Entrecard what i say to be genuine i liked it very much from the day, I joined it i read about Entrecard through a person named balkhis. who runs his own organisation of web developing from his post through his blog balkhis.com. he mentioned about Entrecard and from their i started using Entrecard and there afterward s most of my traffic started flowing through impressions provided by Entrecard on various other Entrecard users blogs and websites.
Acc. to me pro's of Entrecard:- Earning credits is pretty easy by visiting other user website and dropping a click on them.
- Gets to advertise on any website u can choose its provide ease of use and also best part because u can decide Ur managed placement of Ur website ad.
- It connects you with various other website owners and bloggers.
- It provides you as a noob a base to promote your blog when you know you are an initiator and have no funds to spend promoting it.
- Periodic rating to the blogs so that you can get best of bloggers to promote your stuff through.
Cons. of Entrecard:- It takes much time to get your ads running on certain websites means your doesnt runs instantly it takes time to get ur ads running
- It plans are costly for a low cost advertiser
- sometimes the blogs change their place of Entrecard widget here and there and becomes difficult to trace out why are they being so popular still the Entrecard widget on their blog or website is way down..
but nonetheless i am quite happy with what Entrecard provides me i had pretty good clicks and impressions coming through my stats counter really jumped up when I started using
Entrecard kudos to Entrecard and the team who runs it.....
I think if you are new to blogging then you must try Entrecard atleast once it will certainly give boost your blogging creativity and unique stuff will get recognition easily... my verdict esp. try it.
way to go Entrecard is waitin : http://entrecard.com/blog/?p=1593