A best-selling products that must be followed with a replica that very much, one like the iPhone 4, Apple's latest best-selling mobile phones in different parts of the world, even beating her sister, the iPhone 3G.
But this time, a handset manufacturer in Shenzen, China has been showing a replica of the iPhone 4 which may be the best and most delicate moment. Has used its operating system Android 2.1 eclair and a larger screen, 3.8-inch capacitive touch screen. In addition there are also other support such as WiFi, Bluetooth, front camera, rear camera, as well as other standard features, while the full specs are still unknown for now.
iPhone 4 replica mobile phone is still a prototype and is rumored to be available starting mid next month. The price is also still a secret. Whether Apple will sue the manufacturer of this phone because it has been imitating the design?