Uncertainty whether the Samsung S Galaxy will receive Gingerbread updates fulfilled. At least this is confirmed by Samsung Mobile India, through its official Twitter rumored that Samsung Galaxy S will be found to update the Android 2.3.
Indeed, technically, there is no reason that can prevent the Android 2.3 update into the smart phone Samsung is superior, let alone mobile phone has been equipped with a 1GHz processor. It is still not known when the exact date of this Gingerbread update will roll for him, certainly in 2011.
Meanwhile, LG Electronics, which was rumored yesterday it will not roll out updates to Gingerbread Optimus phone line has also been answered. LG to quickly respond to this news by stating clearly LG will update the cell phone, all variants of Optimus One will get an upgrade Android 2.3. Information on the exact date will be explained in each country when it is near the time.
South Korean company also apologized for his mistakes yesterday that mention the Android 2.3 has a minimum requirement Gingerbread 1GHz processor. "We apologize for the confusion and misunderstandings that occurred on this subject." Write a LG.
Google does not have the minimum hardware requirements for Android 2.3 and can actually make the phone run faster on the same hardware. The new code is used in it uses memory and processor power that is more efficient than the Android 2.2.