In addition to OS and Chrome Chrome Web Store, Google quietly update on Chromium, the browser will Chrome. The latest Chromium and Google Chrome Canaries this time wearing crankshaft, Chrome V8 Javascript engine is more refined.
Crankshaft is made of four elements intended to accelerate the performance of the browser. With the crankshaft is obtained increase in performance during the opening of the early and peak performance. Google says that there is increased speed of up to 12% on the page that contains a lot of JavaScript. In addition, Google's V8 in the test, crankshaft Chrome surpass the previous score by 50% when only using the V8 only.
Chromium addition of this latest version also has reached version 10. This version is found on the Canary build and can be viewed from the About Google Chrome. In the version of the Canary build this time there are few additional features of the instant options to choose from and features experimental Geolocation. Not yet known when this feature will go into Google Chrome current stable version is still in version 8.
Google Chrome itself is now used by 120 million people every day. This figure is up from 70 million users that Google announced last May.