Microsoft yesterday rumored to have limited the number of applications that can use the push notification at the same time. Visible Windows 7 Phone phone can only support a maximum of 15 applications with push notification which was still an open question whether this only applies to the 'Live Tiles' only or indeed the overall functionality.
Not long after, WPF Technical Evangelist Jaime Rodriguez circulate through the company's official response to Microsoft's blog. Rodriguez confirmed that the restriction is valid. Windows 7 Phone limit to 15 applications that can be registered to receive push notifications as a whole.
He also adds built-in applications like Outlook and People Hub will not be counted in these limits. Also confirmed that the restriction will also not referring to all the applications you have installed, but only in applications that have a push notification or 'Live Tiles enabled' and are registered in the channel notifications.
Finally, it is said also that Windows 7 Phone is designed to accommodate the 'users in general' which on average do not have a need for more than 15 applications with the push notification. Microsoft prefers battery life, quality of service and bandwidth that will better conserve the user load. However, these restrictions still in peg remains, because restriction applications can still be added if Microsoft were to obtain data on how to use the push notification so that their impact can be positive feedback.