Android 3.0 Honeycomb Released on March?

A few weeks ago Google has launched the Android Gingerbread, while his successor Honeycomb Android rumored to be released as early as 2011. Honeycomb Android operating system could be called as the first version of a more optimal for the tablets.Some recent rumors also say Honeycomb will be released with version 2.4 rather than version 3.0.

Google still has not confirmed the version which will be attached to the Honeycomb, but the latest news circulating, Android Honeycomb being prepared for the World was introduced in March 2011. More specifically, the MSI has stated "While preparing torelease Nvidia Tegra-based model 2 in April or May after Google released the Android3.0 in March," quoted by Digitimes.

There may be information about Android Honeycomb which is known by Digitimes.Other electronics producers from the United also is preparing a tablet that is definitelybased Honeycomb when viewing the opening video on the tablet.

Despite the speculation that there is, just wait at the first event in January at CES(Consumer Electronic Show) in February 2011 took place or when the event MWC(Mobile World Congress) 2011.

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