Stylish 10-day and hourly forecast & alerts from the leading weather provider. eWeather is a handy assistant that is easy-to-use and of great help in everyday life. Take advantage of it whenever you go outdoors to have only positive experience from your activities!
When we intend to do something important we try to take into account every detail. But even when it seems that everything was done for successful realization of our aims, nature may unexpectedly interfere with our plans. With eWeather you can be secured against any weather surprises. Enjoy a detailed weather forecast for 10 days ahead available right from your iPhone or iPod. A glance is enough to choose the right clothes for the day.
eWeather will help you to plan your outdoor activities with the amazing accuracy. Just take a look on eWeather̢۪s clock (hourly-forecast) and you'll be informed when you should take an umbrella and when the staying on the sun do not require the additional UV protection.
The most interesting feature is Barometer - a diagram showing the pressure changes during the past 24 hours. Now you may check the cause of your headache. When Barometer detects that the change of air pressure may affect you then it signals with a red color.
Key features:
* unique and stylish design (including HD graphics for iPhone 4 Retina display)
* professional data source (intellicast.com)
* U.S. Weather Alerts
* the most accurate 24-hour hourly forecast
* 10-day forecast with more than 15 important parameters
* current conditions with "feels like* temperature
* barometer
* air pressure and temperature trends
Forecasts are available for more than 67,000 locations worldwide and provided by the WSI Corp (intellicast.com)
The most interesting features:
* Unique graphics interface
* 10-day weather forecast for day and night time
* hour-by-hour weather forecasts and current outdoor conditions
* World clock for any location with hourly forecast
* Moon phase, moonset and moonrise times
* Sunset and sunrise times
* UV radiation level for every day and hour
* "Feels like" temperature for every hour
* Probability of precipitation for every hour
* ability to watch multiple locations
* Location can be added by Location Services (GPS), by browsing the list, or by ZIP codes (for the US)
* very small traffic consumption
* designed for iPod Touch, iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPhone 4 (with HD support)
* running on iPad in iPhone mode - currently no HD support on iPad (coming soon)