A word about Apple iPad 2 again raised by Digitimes. First reported that Apple's suppliers have set up mass production of PCBs iPad 2 in February 2011 that Ibiden from Japan, Tripod Technology of Taiwan, and TTM Technologies, based in US / China.It also appears estimate from an analyst named Brian Blair who said that Apple has chosen Qualcomm's modem multi-mode GSM / CDMA to make IPAD as global product and can use the network of AT & T and Verizon (GSM / CDMA).
Apple currently sells iPad through Verizon stores in the United States but without the integration of 3G connectivity Verizon's EVDO Rev.A. Online users can only use Verizon cellular networks with hotspots MiFi and do tethering between IPAD to wifi. With the use Qualcomm's modem is a global iPad will be able to use GSM and CDMA networks directly.
Blair also estimates that the hardware on the iPad second generation will be thinner than current models and using manufacturing processes similar to the way assembly terbaru.Sebelum MacBook Air is circulated rumors that Apple will use tablet generation Retina Display to them but it turns out this appeared on the iPhone 4.