If the iPhone 2G owners feel the goods have started memmbuat outdated and wanted a refresher on their handsets, there is an alternative to try is to install the Android OS in it.How to install Google Android OS to the iPhone is done by six easy steps and will probably make iPhone owners think that their product is still valuable to be used and will certainly make others amazed.
This tutorial presented by Lifehacker. Android OS is also paired with the Android OS 2.2 (Froyo). Thus the greatness of Android will be sampled with maximum without the need to purchase a new Android handsets. Enough with Bootlace 2.1 and several other supporters, then the iPhone 2G/3G will be iPhoneDroid.
The steps begin with the jailbreak, installing Cydia and Bootlace, then added some other things. To further assure the success of this process, following the Apple iPhone 3G video demos that run Froyo with success (which can also be installed on the iPhone 2G).
Although perhaps a bit slower performance considering the iPhone 3G only uses CPU 412MHz CPU and 128MB of RAM, but the magic is quite feasible to enjoy.