Finally, Total_Noob released his Hen for 6.20 earlier on the site This is a historical moment, the first public Kernel exploit in more than a year and a half, but especially, the first kernel exploit on the pspGo.
Right now, this allows you to run your favorite homebrews directly from the XMB. HBL allowed you to do that, but the compatibility here is total, as homebrews that require Kernel mode will run as well. The Hen also comes up with plugin support, so we are closer to a LCFW than a “simple” Homebrew Enabler here. What can I say, it was worth the wait.
Soon enough, we’ll see more features compatible with this Hen, and I’m confident that ISO Loading will be there too, for better or for worse.
Yes, if you’re a pspgo owner, your psp just got waaaay better all of a sudden

Enjoy, and download
On this page you will find information on Total_Noob’s Hen for OFW 6.20. Download links are available below. You can also check the
TN Hen FAQ, and all our articles about the Hen, in the
TN Hen category.
TN Hen A (includes UO PSP3000 Patch by VFlame). This archive contains all you need to run the Hen (Patapon savegame, HBL, and TN Hen) except the patapon 2 Demo. (or alternate link
- Download and install the Patapon Demo from
this page.
- unzip the Hen archive (download above) at the root of your memory stick
- Run Patapon, click on “continue” and load the crafter savegame
- When asked for it by patapon, click on “any button” to continue, then RTrigger
- HBL should load the Hen, and return to the XMB. A message saying “Warning, memory leak!” might appear, this is normal, and won’t prevent the Hen from running
- Once you’re in the XMB, press “select” to make sure the TN Hen menu displays correctly
- That’s it!
all taken from